Are You Sure You Know the Real Jesus? (1 John 1:1–2), by Pastor Tonny Karwa
This sermon is part of the expository preaching from The First Epistle of John (1 John). It was preached during the Sunday Worship Service on 16th January 2022 at Grace Baptist Church - Kisumu.
1. The real Jesus is Verily God.
*He co-existed with the Father as His Only Son.
*He pre-existed before creation and incarnation.
2. The real Jesus is Verifiably Man.
*He was manifested in a real, visible, tangible, physical human body.
*As the God-Man, He gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.
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Grace Baptist Church - Kisumu,
along Kibos Road, turn at "Bridge", Carwash area
(Along Auji River: We're the building on the opposite side of Kenya Police Migosi Patrol Base)
~Using a matatu?
-Board number 7/11 (Carwash/Kibos)
-Fare is 40 Kenya Shillings from Town
-Alight at "Bridge"
-Cross the road to get to the other side
-Get on the murram road and walk 170 meters or about 230 footsteps in the OPPOSITE direction until you reach a red gate, which is wide open on Sundays. Tip: Just follow the river. The river will be on your right.
~Driving or using a taxi or bodaboda? Here are Google Maps directions:,34.7864419,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xcab0cdf5df32f466!8m2!3d-0.0794782!4d34.7864419
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